Unfolding God’s Plan. As
parishes move forward and begin to embrace the
Diocesan Vision, we are all invited to pray the
Diocesan Vision Prayer daily with Archbishop Bernard.
Here below or on special prayer card available in the
Prayer for the Diocesan Vision
Spirit of God, descend on me this day. Grant me the
Spirit of joy, to lift me, the Spirit of hope to inspire me,
the Spirit of love to surround me and the Spirit of truth
to enlighten my path.
Holy Spirit, I pray for a new outpouring of your grace,
so that I may grow in worship of your name in love of
you in my prayer and in my actions towards others.
Come Holy Spirit into my life to guide me. Strengthen
and defend me, so that I may be drawn ever closer to
you. Help me this day and always to be a channel of
grace in all I say and do and invite others into
relationship with you. Amen
Written by the Liturgy and Worship group.
Author: Sister Joan
New Parish Hall
Buy a Brick: The leaflets are available in church, please take and support the initiative. There are also parish fundraising boxes available. Collect
one please if possible.
Important Notices
Cautious welcome to ‘Freedom Day.’
Following the announcement that step 4 of the Government’s Covid-19 response roadmap will come into effect on Monday 19th July; the Archbishop Bernard
Longley, has forwarded us a latest guidance from the Bishops’ Conference. The Catholic bishops in England & Wales say that at this stage, it is important for all to
remember that although legislation is being relaxed, the pandemic is not yet over and there continues to be a duty of care for all who use our churches and other facilities. Their guidance therefore, seek to ensure that, where opportunity permits, there is some degree of relaxation but there remains a cautious approach that encourages the continuation of social distancing, mask wearing and daily cleaning where these help to minimize risk and provide comfort and confidence to worshippers. The bishops emphasis that what is important now is the corporate
endeavour of all involved in our church life to maintain the exemplary good practice that has been exhibited over the past 15 months in our churches whilst moving into a freer expression of our church life, worship and mission. Though circumstances may now vary from parish to parish.
Here at St Elizbeth’s, unfortunately, due to the ongoing rise of infections in our area, and to safeguard the health and wellbeing of worshippers; we shall cautiously relax
only some parts of the restrictions and keep the essentials during all our services –
What is Kept? Masks/face covering, 1 metre +plus social distancing, one-way system movements, hands sanitising, and cleaning after Mass.
What is allowed? Communal singing—while wearing masks, Bidding prayers, Kneeling, and Holy Communion back to its normal time at Mass. Those without masks due to medical conditions are encouraged to continue to sit at Lady Chapel.
Finally, the parish halls in the Archdiocese can now be used more extensively after carrying out their particular risk assessments
Diocesan Vision Leaflet
Please click on the link below to access the PDF version available on the Diocesan website: www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/vision
Open Heaven
Open Heaven: This is an invitation and encouragement for Christians across Coventry to a prayer-walk on every Street in Coventry. This means getting out physically and praying on the streets for the people and activities that take place there. It will be tracked and monitored via an easy-to-use App that can be accessed via Smart gadgets. The App will cover CV1-CV6 and will go live on Sunday 30 May, and Open Heaven will run through to June (1-30). Details are on: http://www.openheavencoventry.org.
What you can do from 12th April
· community centres will be permitted to reopen,
· indoor children’s activities will be permitted
· indoor leisure will be permitted for use individually or
within household groups only (i.e. not for fitness classes
or group sports)
· parent and child groups can meet indoors, with a limit
of 15 people attending (children under 5 are not counted)
· wedding receptions or wakes for up to 15 people will be
· outdoor consumption of food will be permitted but table
service will be required
· strict observance of social contact rules will be
required, i.e. between household groups or individuals.
What you can do from 12th April
· community centres will be permitted to reopen,
· indoor children’s activities will be permitted
· indoor leisure will be permitted for use individually or
within household groups only (i.e. not for fitness classes
or group sports)
· parent and child groups can meet indoors, with a limit
of 15 people attending (children under 5 are not counted)
· wedding receptions or wakes for up to 15 people will be
· outdoor consumption of food will be permitted but table
service will be required
· strict observance of social contact rules will be
required, i.e. between household groups or individuals.
Day of Reflection: Tuesday 23rd March 2021
We have been encouraged to dedicate the above day as a day of prayer and reflection. The Church will be open most of that day. All are welcome.
Important Notices
Planning for Good Friday: Please book for the 3.00pm Exultation of the
Cross. Booking starts this 4th Sunday of Lent. Book through the stewards or by email, text, or phone call to the Sisters. Please share the information in your social media accounts as well as with your friends and neighbours, who normally attend this service with us! We shall have other two services in addition to the 3pm. We shall operate on First come, First Served bases.
Good Friday Services:
12:10PM: Stations of the Cross (Solemn)
3:00PM: Exultation of the Cross (Main Service)
6:30PM: Stations of the Cross (Solemn)
Please let us know which service you would like to attend before Palm Sunday.
Note: NO Booking for Easter Sunday.
School Programme for the Sacraments 2021
Monday 2th June: Reconciliation at 6pm for both schools.
Thursday 24th June: Confirmation at 7pm-St. Elizabeth’s.
Thursday 1st July: Confirmation at 7pm-Good Shepherd.
Sunday 4th July: Holy Communion at 11:ooam- St. Elizabeth’s.
Saturday 10th July: Holy Communion at 9:15am– Good Shepherd.
Covid-19 Vaccination: We have been encouraged to promote the Covid-19 Vaccination, particularly among the BAME Community. The Coventry City Council has asked for the churches help in doing this and the parishes of St Elizabeth’s and St Osburg’s, supported by the Zimbabwean Catholic Chaplaincy have kindly organised a Webinar which will help promote the vaccination and perhaps answer some questions and worries that people from our communities may have. Please complete this short survey which may last only for about 2 minutes. https://forms.gle/PzjvSr58UU3MTdKZ9.
Please join us by following this link: ZOOM MEETING
Meeting ID: 816 7924 0240 Passcode: 120509.
Parish Notices:
Friday Stations of the Cross and Mass from 6:30pm:
You are most welcome to join us on Friday in Church for the Station
and Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Our normal Holy Hour
of the week will resume next Saturday 13th March from 8:00am –9:00am
followed by Mass 9:15am. Please come to church early if you want to
have a quiet moment of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Virtual Rosary Devotion: By the Sisters every Wednesday at 7:00pm.