Christmas Preparation Coventry Deanery (Booking Mass)

Dear Parishioners,
This year has been difficult because of the impact of Covid-19. Some of you will have unfortunately lost loved ones, leaving many grieving families, some of you will have had the illness yourselves, and then there has been the terrible economic impact too. Despite these challenges we keep living our lives as best as we can and rely on the hope that the light of Christ brings to each of us.

We look forward to welcoming you to church over Christmas. Please remember that Christmas masses will also be livestreamed, so if you feel it is safer to watch mass over the internet, this will be a sensible option for you and one approved by the church. We are sure you will appreciate that things will be different this year and we have to keep people safe and follow the Government guidelines. It is important that you make yourself aware of the mass times over Christmas at your local church and we ask that you attend mass at the parish nearest your home.

Each Church in Coventry will have some form of booking system and it is important that you are aware of what to do. We are not allowed just to have people turning up over Christmas as we have to have accurate numbers to make sure the churches are not over-crowded. If
you come to church, you will need to wear a mask and will have to adhere to track and trace requirements. There will be people in church to guide you and to explain the arrangements. This Christmas there will not be any communal singing of carols and your church may use soloist or recorded music and singing. There will be clear instructions about receiving communion and leaving and returning to your seats. Details of how to book will be on your parish newsletter and website and on the  Deanery website:

It is important that we let people know about these arrangements, especially those who may not come to church regularly, but will expect to attend over Christmas. We will be sending out this letter through all our parishes and schools in Coventry. As we begin our Advent preparations for Christmas, let us pray for each other that we can celebrate Christmas with great joy and mindful of each other’s safety.

With prayers and best wishes.

The Priests and Deacons of the Coventry Deanery

Final IICSA Report

Final IICSA Report
The Bishops of England and Wales have met in prayer and dialogue to respond to the final IICSA
Report into the Catholic Church. The report shows institutional failures on the part of the Church
which failed to keep the vulnerable safe from abuse and failed to offer compassionate responses to
those who suffered. It is with shame and profound sorrow that we recognise these failures and
accept our need for a change of heart. Our first thoughts and prayers must always be for those who
have suffered. In their terrible suffering we must also recognise that they are our best teachers on
how to improve.
The bishops have also responded to the Elliot Report. This independent review and report was
commissioned by the bishops to recommend changes that are necessary to ensure best practice in
safeguarding in the Church at every level. Victims/Survivors of abuse in the Church have played a
crucial role in presenting the bishops with these necessary recommendations. The bishops have
accepted and will implement all the recommendations contained in both the Elliot and the IICSA
Safeguarding is the work of all of us in the Church. I wish to thank all the volunteers and clergy in
our parishes who help to ensure that they are safe places for all-comers. The IICSA Report
acknowledges the vast improvements over the last 20 years in safeguarding practices. The
acceptance and implementation of the Elliott Review recommendations will help us all improve
further. The Bishops’ Conference, under the leadership of Cardinal Vincent, is committed to improve
our practices and our responses to those who have suffered.
Abuse has no place in the Church. The Archdiocese will always report allegations to and co-operate
fully with the police and statutory agencies. I invite anyone who has suffered abuse to contact the
police or if appropriate to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team: You are encouraged to read the Bishops’ Statement in full.
Thank you for your prayers for all those who have suffered abuse, within and beyond the Church, as
well as for Cardinal Vincent and the bishops at this important moment. Please find details
information here in this diocesan website:

Statement on Vaccination

Parish Notices
Statement on Vaccination
A statement from Bishop Richard Moth, Chair of the
Department of Social Justice, on the production and use
of a Covid-19 vaccination is available via the diocesan
intranet. This statement was approved for publication by
the bishops of the Department for Social Justice at their
recent meeting and goes out in their name. There are
several key points to draw everyone attention regarding
this statement:
1. A vaccination against Covid-19 is, in principle, a social
good to protect people from harm.
2. We urge the Government to develop an ethically
sourced vaccine as an alternative to one derived from
foetal cell lines.
3. The Government assures us that new foetal cell lines
are not being used in the development of a Covid-19
4. The Church teaches that for grave reasons a vaccine
developed from cell lines taken from human tissue taken
from aborted foetuses in the past may be used in good
5. Individuals must educate their conscience in the
teaching of the Church and make their own judgement
about whether to accept a Covid-19 vaccine.
6. There must be fair access for all people to the vaccine.
7. The vaccine must be safe and effective to use.
If you have any queries regarding this statement, please
contact Stephanie MacGillivray at the Bishops’
Conference Secretariat


Parish Notices

St Elizabeth’s Church is Open for
Individual and Private Prayers only.

You are most welcome and thank you for visiting the
Church. Please be reminded that St Elizabeth’s Church
is open for individual visits and prayer on following days:
Tuesday 8:30am – 10:00am
Friday from 8:30am – 10.00am.
Saturday and Sunday 8:30am – 10:00am.
Please note:
 Please wear a mask or face covering while you are in
 Entrance is through the center doors.
 Please use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance.
after lighting candle, and when leaving the church
 We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
 Please follow the directions of the stewards
 Candles are available at the Sacred Heart & Our Lady
 Please observe 2m social distancing
 We request that you only stay for up to 25 minutes
maximum for your private visit to allow others the
opportunity too.
 If you are unwell or have any symptoms of Covid-19,
please do not visit, and stay safe at home.
 There are no toilet facilities in church (all closed)
 The Parish hall, garden, grotto, and Calvary remain
closed and there is no onsite parking

Thank you very much for your understanding and
pray safe. Fr Moses Pitya, AJ

Statement on the National Lockdown

Statement from the President and the Vice-President of
the Conference on the National Lockdown
Wednesday 4th November 2020

Today, Parliament passed into law the Regulations governing many aspects of activity in the whole of England until 2nd December. These Regulations prohibit the gathering of people for communal worship in churches and other religious buildings.

Churches remain open and in use for activities other than communal worship, including personal prayer and support for those in need. Funeral Masses and funeral services may be held. Please refer to the Regulations (for places of worship see paragraph 18) and associated Guidance.

Despite profound misgivings it is important that we, as responsible citizens, observe these Regulations, which have the force of law: ‘Remind them to be obedient to the officials in authority; to be ready to do good at every opportunity’ (Titus 3:1). We do this in solidarity with so many others on whom are being imposed restrictions which impact severely on
their lives and livelihoods.

It is also important to recognise that these Regulations are not an attack on religious belief. However, they do demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of the essential contribution made by faith communities to the well-being, resilience and health of our society.

At this difficult moment, we ask that, as a Catholic community, we make full use of our churches as places of individual prayer and sources of solace and help. We must sustain each other in our patterns of prayer, joining a national shared moment of prayer each day at 6pm, and observing the Vigil of Christ the King (21st November) as a day of prayer for the ending of this pandemic. And we encourage you all in your practical service and
support of each other and those around you in need.

This pathway of prayer and service is the royal road we are to take as a gracious witness in our society today.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols                       Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP
President                                                       Vice-President

Mass Times and Church Visit for Individual Prayer

Changes to Mass times at St. Elizabeth’s

Monday – 9:30am Mass (Virtual only)
Wednesday – 9:30am (Virtual only), 7:00pm Holy Rosary.
Thursday –  9:30am Mass (Virtual only)
Friday  – 6:30pm (Virtual only).
Saturday – 10:30am (Virtual only).
Sunday – 10:30am  (Virtual only)

Virtual Masses Resume from 5th November 2020

Without Parishioners on Livestream 
+ Sunday 10:30am
+ Saturday 10:30am
+ Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:30am
+ Tuesday – Private
+ Friday 6:30am

Church Visit for Individual Prayer
+ Saturday and Sunday 8:30am -10:00am
+ Tuesday & Friday 8:30am – 10:00am

Covid-19 Guidance – November 2020
On the 4th November 2020, Parliament passed into law The Health Protection
(Coronavirus, Restrictions in England. This means that from 5th November 2020,
gatherings from communal worship, including the celebration of Mass,
baptisms, Confirmation, and most weddings are not allowed during the
whole period of lockdown.
However, it is important to stress that this does not represent a return to the
previous lockdown earlier in the year. in the current Regulations, our
Churches are permitted to remain open for certain purposes, and to attend
a place of worship is listed as a reasonable excuse to leave home. So, St
Elizabeth’s, our parish church will remain open for individual prayer. Please
take this opportunity to visit the Church and offer prayers for yourself, family,
friends, and particularly for all the faithful departed – as we remember them
in this month of the Holy Souls.

St Elizabeth’s Church is open for a visit and individual prayer every:
Tuesday, Friday 8:30am – 10:00am , Saturday, and Sunday – 8:30am – 10:00am.
Virtual Masses are on – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at 9:30am, and Friday 6:30pm.
Saturday & Sunday at – 10:30am.

The Stewards will be available throughout the hours when the church is open
to the public for individual prayers.

Please keep yourself and others safe.
Wash hands, Use Facemask, and Keep Social Distancing.

Thank you.
Fr Moses Pitya David, AJ

All  services are livestreamed via the Church webcam. Join us  online link

Newsletters link.

Covid-19 Guidance – November 2020

Covid-19 Guidance – November 2020

On the 4th November 2020, Parliament passed into law The Health Protection
(Coronavirus, Restrictions in England. This means that from 5th November 2020,gatherings from communal worship, including the celebration of Mass,
baptisms, Confirmation, and most weddings are not allowed during the
whole period of lockdown.
However, it is important to stress that this does not represent a return to the
previous lockdown earlier in the year. in the current Regulations, our
Churches are permitted to remain open for certain purposes, and to attend
a place of worship is listed as a reasonable excuse to leave home. So, St
Elizabeth’s, our parish church will remain open for individual prayer. Please
take this opportunity to visit the Church and offer prayers for yourself, family,
friends, and particularly for all the faithful departed – as we remember them
in this month of the Holy Souls.

St Elizabeth’s Church is open for a visit and individual prayer every:
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – 8:30am – 10:00am.

Virtual Masses are on – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at 9:30am, and Friday 6:30pm.   Saturday & Sunday at – 10:30am.

The Stewards will be available throughout the hours when the church is open
to the public for individual prayers.

Please keep yourself and others safe.
Wash hands, Use Facemask, and Keep Social Distancing.

Thank you.
Fr Moses Pitya David, AJ

Multicultural Mass of the African Day

The Anniversary of the
Multicultural Mass of the African Day
The Coronavirus pandemic has been a disaster to
humanity all over the world. It has caused us so much in
life, material, and as well as socially. This has been the
very first time since we started the celebration of the
multicultural Mass in our parish, that we have been
forced to cancel the celebration for this year, due to the
The second Sunday of August, has been for the last 13
years, witnessed a tremendous hospitality and
generosity exhibited by St Elizabeth’s parishioners and
friends. It has always been a joyful moment of a great
get together and share our experiences and cultures.
However; even if the coronavirus has halted our
celebration, the good news is that it cannot stop God for
giving us a nice and lovely WEATHER.

Happy Anniversary to you !

Parish Notices

Public Mass
You are most welcome and please be reminded that we
are now operating under a reduced timetable as
detailed below:
Mass Times
Wednesday and Saturday 9:15am
Friday 6:30pm.
Sunday 9:15am and 11:15am.
Saturday Confessions 9:45am — 10:20am
Please note that:
 We can only accommodate 140 people in a single Mass
 Please tell us what Sunday Mass you prefer (book it)
 You must wear face covering or a mask while in church
 Entrance is through the centre doors
 Sanitise hands on entering & exiting the church
 We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
Offertory collection – please put in a basket as you
enter the Church, or after receiving communion, or as
you go out of the church (Don’t wai t for any during mass)
 Please follow the directions of the stewards
 Benches marked available are for you to sit, if you are a
household family of more than 3, occupy whole pew.
 Candles are available at Our Lady Chapel only.
 Please observe 1m Plus social distancing all times
 If you attend Mass on Weekday- will also count for Sunday
 If you or any member of your household is unwell or have
any symptoms of Covid-19, please stay safe at home.
 Toilets in church & parish hall all closed

Thank you very much for your understanding and
pray safe. Fr Moses Pitya, AJ

Masses in a Time of Covid-19

Mass resumes 8th July 2020

With Parishioners and Live Streaming 
+ Sunday 9:15 and 11:15am
+ Wednesday & Saturday at. 9:15am
Without Parishioners on Livestream
+ Monday & Thursday 9:15am
+ Tuesday – Private
+ Saturday Confessions at 9:45 – 10:20am

Holy Communion      

+ Receive in silence by hand only at the end of the Mass
+ Masks to be worn all time. 
+ Single file, follow stewards’ directives                                                                  
+ Receive Communion & Leave                                                                              

Mass Attendees must 
+ Wear any face-covering or mask
+ Remain 1 metre+ apart
+ Sanitise hands on entering and
exiting the Church
+ Follow the signs
+ Listen to the stewards
+ Tell us what Mass you attend
+ Encourage you to attend weekday
mass other than Sunday if possible

Please Note:   

+  The Church will be disinfected after each Liturgy
+ No Toilet facilities available
+ All parish meetings and ministry 
events remain suspended until further  notice
+ Parish hall closed                                                                                                           
+  Please be on time                                                                            
+ Tell us what Mass you attend
+ Encourage you to attend weekday
mass other than Sunday if possible

During Mass NO…                                                                                                                                  + Altar Servers (first 2 weeks)
+ Kneeling on kneelers
+ Children’s liturgy
+ Eucharistic ministers (first 2 weeks)
+ Offertory procession
+ Physical sign of peace
+ Chalice distribution
+ Parish missals or hymn books
+ Singing
+ Collection baskets
+ Congregating Outside-Church

Please stay at home if…   

+ You may have a pre-existing condition or are immune-compromised   
+ You are feeling ill
+ You suspect you may be ill  or have been exposed to Covid-19                   
+ You have a sick family member at home experiencing any symptoms             
+ Sunday Obligation to attend Mass suspended.                                                                             



St. Elizabeth’s Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham ⚫ Registered Charity No. 234216