Final IICSA Report

Final IICSA Report
The Bishops of England and Wales have met in prayer and dialogue to respond to the final IICSA
Report into the Catholic Church. The report shows institutional failures on the part of the Church
which failed to keep the vulnerable safe from abuse and failed to offer compassionate responses to
those who suffered. It is with shame and profound sorrow that we recognise these failures and
accept our need for a change of heart. Our first thoughts and prayers must always be for those who
have suffered. In their terrible suffering we must also recognise that they are our best teachers on
how to improve.
The bishops have also responded to the Elliot Report. This independent review and report was
commissioned by the bishops to recommend changes that are necessary to ensure best practice in
safeguarding in the Church at every level. Victims/Survivors of abuse in the Church have played a
crucial role in presenting the bishops with these necessary recommendations. The bishops have
accepted and will implement all the recommendations contained in both the Elliot and the IICSA
Safeguarding is the work of all of us in the Church. I wish to thank all the volunteers and clergy in
our parishes who help to ensure that they are safe places for all-comers. The IICSA Report
acknowledges the vast improvements over the last 20 years in safeguarding practices. The
acceptance and implementation of the Elliott Review recommendations will help us all improve
further. The Bishops’ Conference, under the leadership of Cardinal Vincent, is committed to improve
our practices and our responses to those who have suffered.
Abuse has no place in the Church. The Archdiocese will always report allegations to and co-operate
fully with the police and statutory agencies. I invite anyone who has suffered abuse to contact the
police or if appropriate to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team: You are encouraged to read the Bishops’ Statement in full.
Thank you for your prayers for all those who have suffered abuse, within and beyond the Church, as
well as for Cardinal Vincent and the bishops at this important moment. Please find details
information here in this diocesan website:

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