St Elizabeth’s Church Closed: Just to remind you that the Church is still closed and will remain closed until further notice as advised by the Government and Archdiocese. Please follow Easter celebrations via Live streaming.
Holy Saturday 11th : Easter Vigil at 7:00pm – People of the Parish.
Easter Sunday 12th April: 10:30am : Lena, George and John Harkin R.I.P
Monday: 13th 10:30am : Parish Altar Servers intention
Tuesday 14th 10:30am : Veronica Dixon and Adam Zywot R.I.P.
Wednesday: 15th 10:30am : W.F Ashby R.I.P.
Thursday: 16th 10:30am: Diwan Chand R.I.P.
Friday 17th 8:30am: Holy Hour of Adoration. Mass at 6:30pm
Saturday 18th 10:30am: People of the Parish
Sunday 19th April: 10:30am: Leonard Pearson R.I.P.
Important Parish Website Links Corona Virus (COVID-19) Updates: Parish Newsletters: CHURCH LIVE WEBCAM LOGIN: Search for West Midland and scroll to ST ELIZABETH CHURCH – Coventry Archdiocese of Birmingham: