Coventry Foleshill Food Bank information.

Coventry Foleshill Food Bank information.

Unfortunately, Coventry’s local distribution branch of Feeding Britain at Foleshill Community Centre, a food bank to help the most in need in our city, was broken into and robbed this week.

This is devastating situation in already difficult times, especially as the numbers of families depending on the food bank basic necessities has increased significantly now that many are out of work, off sick, or no longer receiving a Free School Meal a day. Roger Casements GAA Club has arranged a local donation drop-off this weekend to help raise awareness and organise donations. WHEN: Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th May 2020. WHERE: Christ The King (carpark) – 14 Westhill Road, Coundon, CV6 2AA. TIME: 11am – 5pm (both days).  SAFETY: We would like to emphasise that we will be adhering to government guidelines at all times & social distancing rules will be in place. REQUESTED ITEMS: Standard non-perishable foods, sanitary products, nappies, wipes, baby milk, basic toiletries and cleaning products (e.g., washing up liquid & bleach). You can also donate directly to Feeding Coventry via the Feeding Britain website. All donations pledged locally are spent locally. (


Parish Notices

Online donation to your Parish by Card: I am pleased to inform you that the “Donate” page has now been created into our parish’s website, making it easier for someone wanting to support the parish. You can also gift aided your donation made to St Elizabeth’s parish via credit or debit card. Just log into: and move to “donate” section. OR via diocesan website online Donation

Or if you prefer another option – you can download and using the standing order form on this diocesan website. https:// category/finance-resources and send the forms to the parish or bank.

Pray as you Go. Family Examen (Parents and children or alone used)

Pause whenever you need more time . . .         

At the end of the day or after the evening meal or at whatever time is best for you: gather together!

If helpful, light a candle as a way of asking for God’s light as you look over the day . .

Say a prayer that you all know, such as the Our Father . . . . . .

Go through your day: what happened this morning? . . .

What happened at lunch time . . . and in the afternoon? . . .

How was the evening meal together? . . .

What else do you remember about today? …

What was good about today? . . . Did you get out at all? . . .

What was difficult about the day? . . .

What are you finding hard about having to stay inside at the moment?

What helps you to fill the time? ……

Ask God for what you need for tomorrow . . .

Pray for anyone else you who might be feeling lonely or sick at this time . . .

Thank God for this day . . .   

 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Parish Notices

Donation to your Parish Church: Several option available for anyone wanting to continue giving money for the Parish. The easiest would be: By a Cheque payable to St Elizabeth’s Parish. Post it to the Address of the parish. Another preferred option is downloading and using the standing order form on this diocesan website. .


Online Donation: Just go to donate on (top right) on home page of  the diocesan website – . Your donations can also be gift aided and can be  made to any parish via credit or debit card. There are transaction charges levied by the card processing company which amount to 20p + 1.9% of the value of your donation – for example if you donate a £10 to the parish, the card processing company will deduct only £0.39 from the amount we receive. But please note that Standing order remains the most cost-effective way for donation.

First Week of Easter Mass Times and Intentions

St Elizabeth’s Church Closed: Just to remind you that the Church is still closed and will remain closed until further notice as advised by the Government and Archdiocese. Please follow Easter celebrations via Live streaming.

Holy Saturday 11th : Easter Vigil at 7:00pm – People of the Parish.

Easter Sunday 12th April: 10:30am : Lena, George and John Harkin R.I.P
Monday:  13th 10:30am : Parish Altar Servers intention
Tuesday 14th  10:30am : Veronica Dixon and Adam Zywot R.I.P.
Wednesday:  15th 10:30am : W.F Ashby R.I.P.
Thursday:  16th 10:30am:  Diwan Chand R.I.P. 
Friday 17th  8:30am: Holy Hour of Adoration. Mass at 6:30pm
Saturday 18th 10:30am: People of the Parish

Sunday 19th April: 10:30am: Leonard Pearson  R.I.P.

Important Parish Website Links Corona Virus (COVID-19) Updates: Parish Newsletters: CHURCH LIVE WEBCAM LOGIN: Search for West Midland and scroll to ST ELIZABETH CHURCH – Coventry Archdiocese of Birmingham:

Holy Week Programme

Holy Week Instructions: The Holy Father, Pope Francis, through the office of the Divine Worship, has instructed us to celebrate the Holy Week and Easter while the Churches are still closed. Because these Sacred Days cannot be postponed, the faithful have to follow the services Live via any media system. Just note that: On Palm Sunday NO Blessing of Palms Branches. On Holy ThursdayNO Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass. On Good FridayNO KISSING of the Cross is only done by celebrant priest. On Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil NO Water will be Blessed for anyone to fetch. These are all done to help us STAY AT HOME, and to save Life.

Spiritual Resources

Important Spiritual Resources:
Faith at Home: Children’s liturgy resources: Offering all families the opportunity to access free prayer resources for the home and have a video for children’s liturgy each week.
A mum in Westminster Diocese creates a children’s liturgy video. On Facebook there is a link to page so families can create their own. Or YouTube.

Exploring the faith together as a family. – resource for all ages explaining the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Divine Renovation have produced a Parish Response Kit to the current situation that we are all in. It can be downloaded for free here: