Parish Notices

St Elizabeth’s Church is Open for
Individual and Private Prayers only.

You are most welcome and thank you for visiting the
Church. Please be reminded that St Elizabeth’s Church
is open for individual visits and prayer on following days:
Tuesday 8:30am – 10:00am
Friday from 8:30am – 10.00am.
Saturday and Sunday 8:30am – 10:00am.
Please note:
 Please wear a mask or face covering while you are in
 Entrance is through the center doors.
 Please use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance.
after lighting candle, and when leaving the church
 We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
 Please follow the directions of the stewards
 Candles are available at the Sacred Heart & Our Lady
 Please observe 2m social distancing
 We request that you only stay for up to 25 minutes
maximum for your private visit to allow others the
opportunity too.
 If you are unwell or have any symptoms of Covid-19,
please do not visit, and stay safe at home.
 There are no toilet facilities in church (all closed)
 The Parish hall, garden, grotto, and Calvary remain
closed and there is no onsite parking

Thank you very much for your understanding and
pray safe. Fr Moses Pitya, AJ

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