Guidance for Churches – December 2021

General Information
Following the statement by the Prime Minister on Wednesday 9th December, there has been a Government directive that further restrictions to mitigate against viral transmission, especially in the light of the new Omicron variant, will be imposed.

Summarising the Government directives:

• From Friday 10th December, face coverings will be required by law in most indoor settings.
• From Monday 13th December office workers who can work from home should do so.
• From Wednesday 15th December, certain venues and events will be required by law to check that all visitors aged 18 years or over are fully vaccinated, have proof of a negative test in the last 48 hours, or have an exemption. The requirements for NHS Covid passes will not apply to places of worship and the acts of worship associated with them. However, any social gatherings linked to events in churches will need to comply with new requirements but only when 500 or more people are involved.

Face Coverings
HM Government has made the wearing of face covering mandatory in Places of Worship from
Friday 10th December 2021 (see here). However, there will be exemptions for those leading worship,
public proclamation of scriptural readings or prayers, and those who are unable to wear face coverings and are exempt (the guidance for this can be found on the same page as above).

HM Government guidance states that “There is a reasonable excuse for someone to remove a face covering
when it is reasonably necessary for them to sing, for example, if they are singing as part of a choir, or during
a service, rehearsal or for a performance.” The current Church guidance states that congregational singing should take place with face coverings in place and choirs and soloists may sing without such coverings. As the Church moves towards Christmas celebrations which often involves carol services and other singing events, it is strongly recommended that congregational singing within church
buildings continues with the applied face coverings.

Practical Guidance for Churches
With respect to the current situation with the Omicron variant it is important to ensure the following
points are followed in our churches:
• That people displaying any symptoms of covid-19 should stay at home and not travel to
church or participate in person.
• That hand sanitiser is available to those attending the Church.
• Face coverings must be worn by those attending public acts of worship unless there is a
genuine exemption or the person is leading worship or participating in a role that
requires the mask to be removed for a period of time.
• That there is good ventilation and air throughput in the building; in this case, because of
climatic conditions, it would be important to remind people to wrap up well in church!
• There is now very strong evidence to support that the main mode of this variant’s viral
transmission is through aerosols, and that the risk from surface and touch transmission
is very small indeed. As such, the strict regimes of church cleaning that were
recommended at the beginning of the opening of churches for public worship are no
longer necessary. General church cleaning is sufficient.
• That a positive message encouraging people to get vaccinated and have the booster jab
when able is delivered whenever possible (bearing in mind that the 40+ age group can
apply for the booster vaccination, and that the period between 2nd dose and booster is
reduced to 12 weeks).
• That people who are engaged in a form of pastoral ministry which involves ministry to
the housebound, sick and vulnerable, should take regular lateral flow tests to ensure they
are safe to do so. These are free from the NHS.

Clarification on the Sunday Obligation
The Bishops’ Statement Honouring Sunday reflected the pastoral situation of public worship in the light of the pandemic situation at this time. The Bishops have asked for all Catholics to reflect on their personal circumstances with respect to their attendance at public worship. Questions have been raised regarding the status of the Sunday Obligation. The Code of Canon Law states that “Sunday… is the primordial holy day of obligation” (Can. 1246§1) and “the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass.” (Can. 1247)
At the beginning of the pandemic, from Friday 20th March 2020, the Bishops of England and Wales recognised that the participation of the faithful in the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration was prevented due to grave cause because of the inception of the covid-19 pandemic and stated that the Sunday  obligation could not be fulfilled due to the inherent danger of the faithful gathering in churches for
the Eucharistic celebration. On Monday 23rd March 2020, HM Government mandated the closure of places of worship along with other locations.

The Bishops, now having reflected on the current situation in England and Wales, recognise that the
causes and effects of the pandemic are still present to such a degree that the absolute duty for all to
freely attend the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration cannot yet be fulfilled.

As such, they have asked that all Catholics now reflect on the centrality of the Eucharist to their own life of faith and take into consideration their personal circumstances and the reasons as to whether they can now attend the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration or otherwise. Should a person feel that grave cause honestly persists in their personal circumstances, there is no sin associated with their
non-attendance at Mass, and they are encouraged to devote themselves to prayer at home. This may be achieved either through personal prayer or by participating with a live-streamed celebration of  Mass from a Church.

Rev. Canon Christopher Thomas
10th December 2021



What you can do from 12th April
· community centres will be permitted to reopen,
· indoor children’s activities will be permitted
· indoor leisure will be permitted for use individually or
within household groups only (i.e. not for fitness classes
or group sports)
· parent and child groups can meet indoors, with a limit
of 15 people attending (children under 5 are not counted)
· wedding receptions or wakes for up to 15 people will be
· outdoor consumption of food will be permitted but table
service will be required
· strict observance of social contact rules will be
required, i.e. between household groups or individuals.

Friday Stations of the Cross and Mass from 6:30pm:
You are most welcome to join us on Friday in Church for the Station
and Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Our normal Holy Hour
of the week will resume next Saturday 13th March from 8:00am –9:00am
followed by Mass 9:15am. Please come to church early if you want to
have a quiet moment of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Covid-19 Vaccination: We have been encouraged to promote the Covid-19 Vaccination, particularly among the BAME Community. The Coventry City Council has asked for the churches help in doing this and the parishes of St Elizabeth’s and St Osburg’s, supported by the Zimbabwean Catholic Chaplaincy have kindly organised a Webinar which will help promote the vaccination and perhaps answer some questions and worries that people from our communities may have. Please complete this short survey which may last only for about 2 minutes.

Please join us by following this link: ZOOM MEETING.

Meeting ID: 816 7924 0240 Passcode: 120509.


First Week of Easter Mass Times and Intentions

St Elizabeth’s Church Closed: Just to remind you that the Church is still closed and will remain closed until further notice as advised by the Government and Archdiocese. Please follow Easter celebrations via Live streaming.

Holy Saturday 11th : Easter Vigil at 7:00pm – People of the Parish.

Easter Sunday 12th April: 10:30am : Lena, George and John Harkin R.I.P
Monday:  13th 10:30am : Parish Altar Servers intention
Tuesday 14th  10:30am : Veronica Dixon and Adam Zywot R.I.P.
Wednesday:  15th 10:30am : W.F Ashby R.I.P.
Thursday:  16th 10:30am:  Diwan Chand R.I.P. 
Friday 17th  8:30am: Holy Hour of Adoration. Mass at 6:30pm
Saturday 18th 10:30am: People of the Parish

Sunday 19th April: 10:30am: Leonard Pearson  R.I.P.

Important Parish Website Links Corona Virus (COVID-19) Updates: Parish Newsletters: CHURCH LIVE WEBCAM LOGIN: Search for West Midland and scroll to ST ELIZABETH CHURCH – Coventry Archdiocese of Birmingham: