Multicultural Mass of the African Day

The Anniversary of the
Multicultural Mass of the African Day
The Coronavirus pandemic has been a disaster to
humanity all over the world. It has caused us so much in
life, material, and as well as socially. This has been the
very first time since we started the celebration of the
multicultural Mass in our parish, that we have been
forced to cancel the celebration for this year, due to the
The second Sunday of August, has been for the last 13
years, witnessed a tremendous hospitality and
generosity exhibited by St Elizabeth’s parishioners and
friends. It has always been a joyful moment of a great
get together and share our experiences and cultures.
However; even if the coronavirus has halted our
celebration, the good news is that it cannot stop God for
giving us a nice and lovely WEATHER.

Happy Anniversary to you !

Parish Notices

Public Mass
You are most welcome and please be reminded that we
are now operating under a reduced timetable as
detailed below:
Mass Times
Wednesday and Saturday 9:15am
Friday 6:30pm.
Sunday 9:15am and 11:15am.
Saturday Confessions 9:45am — 10:20am
Please note that:
 We can only accommodate 140 people in a single Mass
 Please tell us what Sunday Mass you prefer (book it)
 You must wear face covering or a mask while in church
 Entrance is through the centre doors
 Sanitise hands on entering & exiting the church
 We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
Offertory collection – please put in a basket as you
enter the Church, or after receiving communion, or as
you go out of the church (Don’t wai t for any during mass)
 Please follow the directions of the stewards
 Benches marked available are for you to sit, if you are a
household family of more than 3, occupy whole pew.
 Candles are available at Our Lady Chapel only.
 Please observe 1m Plus social distancing all times
 If you attend Mass on Weekday- will also count for Sunday
 If you or any member of your household is unwell or have
any symptoms of Covid-19, please stay safe at home.
 Toilets in church & parish hall all closed

Thank you very much for your understanding and
pray safe. Fr Moses Pitya, AJ

Masses in a Time of Covid-19

Mass resumes 8th July 2020

With Parishioners and Live Streaming 
+ Sunday 9:15 and 11:15am
+ Wednesday & Saturday at. 9:15am
Without Parishioners on Livestream
+ Monday & Thursday 9:15am
+ Tuesday – Private
+ Saturday Confessions at 9:45 – 10:20am

Holy Communion      

+ Receive in silence by hand only at the end of the Mass
+ Masks to be worn all time. 
+ Single file, follow stewards’ directives                                                                  
+ Receive Communion & Leave                                                                              

Mass Attendees must 
+ Wear any face-covering or mask
+ Remain 1 metre+ apart
+ Sanitise hands on entering and
exiting the Church
+ Follow the signs
+ Listen to the stewards
+ Tell us what Mass you attend
+ Encourage you to attend weekday
mass other than Sunday if possible

Please Note:   

+  The Church will be disinfected after each Liturgy
+ No Toilet facilities available
+ All parish meetings and ministry 
events remain suspended until further  notice
+ Parish hall closed                                                                                                           
+  Please be on time                                                                            
+ Tell us what Mass you attend
+ Encourage you to attend weekday
mass other than Sunday if possible

During Mass NO…                                                                                                                                  + Altar Servers (first 2 weeks)
+ Kneeling on kneelers
+ Children’s liturgy
+ Eucharistic ministers (first 2 weeks)
+ Offertory procession
+ Physical sign of peace
+ Chalice distribution
+ Parish missals or hymn books
+ Singing
+ Collection baskets
+ Congregating Outside-Church

Please stay at home if…   

+ You may have a pre-existing condition or are immune-compromised   
+ You are feeling ill
+ You suspect you may be ill  or have been exposed to Covid-19                   
+ You have a sick family member at home experiencing any symptoms             
+ Sunday Obligation to attend Mass suspended.                                                                             



St. Elizabeth’s Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham ⚫ Registered Charity No. 234216

Statement from Cardinal Nichols:

I welcome the statement by the Prime Minister earlier today, that places of worship are now able to resume collective acts of worship from 4 July. This is welcome news for members of all religions in England. I thank all who have worked hard to bring this about, not least my fellow religious leaders.


As Catholics we now look forward to being able to celebrate Mass together again from 4 July. We have waited with patience and longing for this moment, understanding the importance of protecting the health of people in our society. Now we are full of anticipation that we will be able again to take part together in the Eucharist, which lies at the centre of our faith.


It is important that we continue to abide by the guidance, given by the Government, on appropriate social distancing and the other measures to avoid all unnecessary risk. Our own detailed guidance will be distributed around dioceses and parishes so everyone can be confident that they may come to Mass securely and understand the part they are to play in protecting each other from any remaining risk of infection.


The past few months have been a time of fashioning new patterns of prayer, new ways of exploring and enriching our faith and vigorous ways of reaching out to those in need. We can build on these, forgetting nothing of the graces we have been given. Yet now, with the experience of opening our churches for individual prayer already gained, this return to the more normal patterns of worship will be of great importance to all Catholics.


This time of our ‘Eucharistic fast’ has made our hearts grow in longing for that moment when we can come together and receive again the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. That moment is now very near and for that we thank God.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols.



Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops                                                                  of the Catholic Church in England 

 Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

On Tuesday we heard the announcement that, from the 4th July this year, places of worship will be able to reopen for prayer and services. We welcome this news with great joy. Since the lockdown began, members of all faiths have faced restrictions on how they have been able to celebrate important religious festivals. Our own experience of Easter was unlike any other we have known. Now, in our churches, and with our people, we can look forward again to celebrating the central mysteries of our faith in the Holy Eucharist.

The recent reopening of our churches for individual private prayer was an important milestone on our journey towards resuming communal worship. Our churches that have opened have put in place all the measures needed to ensure the risks of virus transmission are minimised. This includes effective hand sanitisation, social distancing, and cleaning. We remain committed to making sure these systems of hygiene and infection control meet Government and public health standards.

We want to thank everyone within the Catholic community for sustaining the life of faith in such creative ways, not least in the family home. We thank our priests for celebrating Mass faithfully for their people, and for the innovative ways in which they have enabled participation through live-streaming and other means. We are grateful for the pastoral care shown by our clergy to those for whom this time of lockdown has been especially difficult, and, in particular, towards those who have been bereaved. We recognise too the chaplaincy services that have played a vital role in supporting those most in need. Gaining from the experience of all that we have been through, and bringing those lessons into the future, we must now look forward.

With the easing of restrictions on worship with congregations, we tread carefully along the path that lies ahead. Our lives have been changed by the experience of the pandemic and it is clear that we cannot simply return to how things were before lockdown. We remain centred on the Lord Jesus and His command at the Last
Supper to “do this in memory of me.” We must now rebuild what it means to be
Eucharistic communities, holding fast to all that we hold dear, while at the same time exploring creative ways to meet changed circumstances.

It is important to reaffirm that, at present, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended. A significant number of churches may remain closed as they are unable to meet the requirements for opening for individual prayer. Fulfilling these requirements is a precondition for any church opening after the 4th July for the celebration of Mass with a congregation.

Please be aware that there will be a limit on the number of people who can attend Mass in our churches. This will determined locally in accordance with social distancing requirements. We therefore need to reflect carefully on how and when we might be able to attend Mass. We cannot return immediately to our customary practices. This next step is not, in any sense, a moment when we are going ‘back to normal.

’We ask every Catholic to think carefully about how and when they will return to Mass. Our priests may need to consider whether it is possible to celebrate additional Masses at the weekends. Given there is no Sunday obligation, we ask you to consider the possibility of attending Mass on a weekday. This will ease the pressure of numbers for Sunday celebrations and allow a gradual return to the Eucharist for more people.

Moving forward, there will still be many people who cannot attend Mass in person. We therefore ask parishes, wherever possible, to continue live-streaming Sunday Mass, both for those who remain shielding and vulnerable, and also for those unable to leave home because of advanced age or illness.

When we return to Mass there will some differences in how the celebration takes place. For the time being, there will be no congregational singing and Mass will be shorter than usual. None of this detracts from the centrality of our encounter with the Risen Christ in the Eucharist. We ask everyone to respect and follow the guidance that will be issued and the instructions in each church.
“As I have loved you,” said the Lord Jesus, “so you must love each other.” (Jn 13:34) The lockdown has brought forth remarkable acts of charity, of loving kindness, from Catholics across our communities as they have cared for the needy and vulnerable. We have seen love in action through charitable works, and through the service of many front-line keyworkers who are members of our Church. Now we can begin to  return to the source of that charity, Christ himself, present for us sacramentally, body, blood, soul and divinity, in Holy Communion. As we prepare to gather again to worship, let us, respectful of each other, come together in thanksgiving to God for the immense gift of the Holy Eucharist.

Yours devotedly in Christ

✠ Vincent Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster
✠ Malcolm McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liverpool
✠ Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham
✠ John Wilson, Archbishop of Southwark

This letter is addressed to the Catholic Community in England; the opening of the Catholic Churches in Wales is devolved to the Welsh Assembly who are still evaluating their position on opening Places of Worship

Church’s Funeral Service Covid-19

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I wish to thank you all for your ongoing prayers during this Pandemic. We continue to pray for those who have died and all for all who have been bereaved.

One of the sacrifices in this Pandemic is not having funeral services in Church. As our churches begin to re-open safely, with the help of volunteers, those that do open, may from Monday 22nd June host funeral services in accordance with the Guidelines that have been shared with clergy and with the co-operation of undertakers.

These funeral services will necessarily involve volunteers to assist in cleaning churches after each funeral. The decision as to whether a funeral service may take place rests with the Parish Priest/Priest in charge.  Not all churches will be able to comply with the guidelines at present, so please be aware that may be the case and please respect that situation.

The Government does not permit the celebration of public Mass at present. So these funeral services may not be funeral Masses. I realise that will cause upset to mourners and clergy alike.  The Bishops’ Conference is co-operating with the Government and we all hope that guidelines for the safe celebration of Mass will be agreed by the Government soon.

At a different time to the funeral service, priests are encouraged to celebrate Mass alone for those who have died. This Mass may be live-streamed for mourners, if the Church has that capacity. A Mass in Memoriam may be offered for the deceased with the family present at a later date, when we are able to gather again for Mass.

I anticipate that there will be further guidance agreed by the Government concerning Baptisms, Marriages and Mass in the future. These will be shared with our clergy in a timely manner.

Be assured of my prayers for you all,


Yours devotedly in Christ.

Archbishop Bernard Longley

St Elizabeth’s Church is Open  for Individual and Private Prayers

You are most welcome and thank you for visiting the Church.                                We are now open and operating under a reduced timetable                                      as detailed below:

Wednesday 8:30am – 9:30am

Friday from 8:30am – 9.30am.

Sunday from 2pm – 4pm.

Please note that:

    • There will be a restricted number of people allowed into the church.
    • Please wear a mask or face covering while you are in church
    • Entrance is through the centre doors
    • Please use the hand sanitiser provided at the entrance, after lighting candle, and when leaving the church
    • We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
    • Please follow the directions of the stewards
    • Benches marked available are there for you to sit and pray
    • Candles are available at the Sacred Heart, Our Lady and at the back of the Church.
    • Please observe 2m social distancing
    • We request that you only stay for up to 15 minutes for your private visit to allow others the opportunity to enter.
    • If you are unwell or have any symptoms of Covid-19, please do not visit, and stay safe at home.
    • There are no toilet facilities in church (all closed)
    • The Parish hall, garden, grotto, and Calvary remain closed
    • There is no onsite parking

Thank you very much for your understanding and pray safe.

Parish Notices

The reopening of the Church for individual prayer : The Bishop’s Conference has agreed guidelines with the Government to allow our churches to open for private prayer from June 15th, 2020. We hope to open St Elizabeth’s Church doors from next Wednesday (God willing) for individual prayer only, and operating under a reduced timetable as detailed below:

Wednesday and Friday from 8.30am – 9.30am. Sunday from 2pm – 4pm. Please note that: ·

  • There will be a restricted number of people allowed into the church. We request that you only stay for up to 15 minutes for your private visit to allow others the opportunity to enter.
  • If you are unwell, please do not visit and stay safe at home.
  • There are no toilet facilities in church ·
  • Please follow the directions of the stewards ·
  • You must wear a mask or face covering while you are in church ·
  • Please observe 2m social distancing.
  • Entrance is through the centre doors.
  • You must use the hand sanitiser at the entrance and when leaving the church.
  • We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
  • Candles are available at the Sacred Heart, Our Lady and St Terese .
  • Please sanitise your hands after lighting a candle .
  • There are benches marked available for you to sit and pray .
  • The Parish hall, garden, grotto, and Calvary remain closed .
  • There is no onsite parking.

Maryvale Sacred Heart Novena

All are invited to join online for the Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at Maryvale Institute. There will be a Mass, Sermon and Novena live streamed each evening at 8pm from Thursday 11 June to Friday 19 June 2020 (Feast of the Sacred Heart). Archbishop Bernard Longley will be celebrating Mass on Sunday 21 June at 11am (on the day the ‘physical’ Pilgrimage would have taken place). It will be live streamed from St Chad’s Cathedral. Full details, and how to access each event, are available on the Diocesan website: news/join-online-maryvale-sacred-heart-novena and Maryvale Institute website:

Bishops of England and Wales Statement on “Our Plan to Rebuild:” Government’s COVID-19 Recovery strategy:

The Government’s position, established recently includes these steps aimed at opening churches as soon as possible: the establishment of a task force for places of worship, to work closely with ‘stakeholders’ in ensuring that premises are COVID-19 secure; and heeding the experience of other countries in which churches are already open for worship. In dialogue with the Government, the Catholic Church will continue its engagement in this process and has already submitted a detailed plan, in full accordance with public health guidelines, for churches to be opened for private prayer. The Church is ready to play its full part in the task force, understanding that this includes the possible earlier use of churches for private prayer, as a first safe step towards their use for public worship.” A link can be found: Please write to your MP about your frustration about the churches being closed. Planning for Opening of Churches. Detailed instructions on opening churches will be given when that time is appropriate.  At present there is a multi-faith task force, including Cardinal Vincent, working with the Government on this matter. Please see the following link for the Government’s latest comments on the task force and the reopening of places of worship: