The reopening of the Church for individual prayer : The Bishop’s Conference has agreed guidelines with the Government to allow our churches to open for private prayer from June 15th, 2020. We hope to open St Elizabeth’s Church doors from next Wednesday (God willing) for individual prayer only, and operating under a reduced timetable as detailed below:
Wednesday and Friday from 8.30am – 9.30am. Sunday from 2pm – 4pm. Please note that: ·
- There will be a restricted number of people allowed into the church. We request that you only stay for up to 15 minutes for your private visit to allow others the opportunity to enter.
- If you are unwell, please do not visit and stay safe at home.
- There are no toilet facilities in church ·
- Please follow the directions of the stewards ·
- You must wear a mask or face covering while you are in church ·
- Please observe 2m social distancing.
- Entrance is through the centre doors.
- You must use the hand sanitiser at the entrance and when leaving the church.
- We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
- Candles are available at the Sacred Heart, Our Lady and St Terese .
- Please sanitise your hands after lighting a candle .
- There are benches marked available for you to sit and pray .
- The Parish hall, garden, grotto, and Calvary remain closed .
- There is no onsite parking.