Parish Notices

Public Mass
You are most welcome and please be reminded that we
are now operating under a reduced timetable as
detailed below:
Mass Times
Wednesday and Saturday 9:15am
Friday 6:30pm.
Sunday 9:15am and 11:15am.
Saturday Confessions 9:45am — 10:20am
Please note that:
 We can only accommodate 140 people in a single Mass
 Please tell us what Sunday Mass you prefer (book it)
 You must wear face covering or a mask while in church
 Entrance is through the centre doors
 Sanitise hands on entering & exiting the church
 We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
Offertory collection – please put in a basket as you
enter the Church, or after receiving communion, or as
you go out of the church (Don’t wai t for any during mass)
 Please follow the directions of the stewards
 Benches marked available are for you to sit, if you are a
household family of more than 3, occupy whole pew.
 Candles are available at Our Lady Chapel only.
 Please observe 1m Plus social distancing all times
 If you attend Mass on Weekday- will also count for Sunday
 If you or any member of your household is unwell or have
any symptoms of Covid-19, please stay safe at home.
 Toilets in church & parish hall all closed

Thank you very much for your understanding and
pray safe. Fr Moses Pitya, AJ

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