St Elizabeth’s Church is Open for Individual and Private Prayers
You are most welcome and thank you for visiting the Church. We are now open and operating under a reduced timetable as detailed below:
Wednesday 8:30am – 9:30am
Friday from 8:30am – 9.30am.
Sunday from 2pm – 4pm.
Please note that:
- There will be a restricted number of people allowed into the church.
- Please wear a mask or face covering while you are in church
- Entrance is through the centre doors
- Please use the hand sanitiser provided at the entrance, after lighting candle, and when leaving the church
- We operate on one-way system, please follow the signs.
- Please follow the directions of the stewards
- Benches marked available are there for you to sit and pray
- Candles are available at the Sacred Heart, Our Lady and at the back of the Church.
- Please observe 2m social distancing
- We request that you only stay for up to 15 minutes for your private visit to allow others the opportunity to enter.
- If you are unwell or have any symptoms of Covid-19, please do not visit, and stay safe at home.
- There are no toilet facilities in church (all closed)
- The Parish hall, garden, grotto, and Calvary remain closed
- There is no onsite parking
Thank you very much for your understanding and pray safe.