Laudato Si week (Sat 16th May-24th May)
Pope Francis has called us to celebrate the 5th. anniversary of the Encyclical Laudato Si with Laudato Si Week with a Global Day of Prayer on Friday 24th May. The theme is “everything is connected.” We come together as one people around the world to prayerfully discern the lessons of this moment. While the world experiences a history-defining crisis, we reflect and prepare to build a better world. Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home, Laudato Si’, is an inspiration during moments of difficulty. It encourages us to reflect on the values we share and create a more just and sustainable future. Laudato Si has been welcomed as a document of deep and abiding beauty, and it has prompted people around the world to reflect more deeply on Creator and creation. Its vision of integral ecology, which sees connections between how we treat God, nature, and each other, offers simple but profound truths about the bonds that unite us. On 24 May at noon we are asked to join with Catholics around the world in prayer as a sign of solidarity, hope and connection. For more resources, workshops and activites you can visit the website:
Come All Who Thirst: Online retreat is now happening via zoom on 29/30/31st May. Beautiful times of prayer and mass planned with Sion Community with exciting speakers and musicians. Zoom is quite easy to use. There is also the potential option to dial in for those who do not know how to use technology or have a computer but perhaps have a landline or mobile. Eventbrite link for registration