Welcome to our Parish Website.
Masses and prayers at St. Elizabeth’s Church this week
Sunday 30th March–Holy Rosary at 8:45am; First Mass at 9:15am; Second Mass at 11:15am;
Monday 31st March -Daily Mass at 9:15am
Wednesday 2nd April–Daily Mass at 9:15am
Thursday 3rd April -Daily Mass at 11:00am
Friday 4th April– Stations of the Cross at 5:30pm followed by Daily Mass immediately.
Saturday 5th April– Holy hour of adoration at 8:00am followed by Mass at 9:15am
Sunday 6th April– Holy Rosary at 8:45am followed by First Mass at 9:15am; 2nd Mass at 11:15am;
All are welcome.
Thank you.
Fr Moses Pitya David, AJ
Father Moses, Parish Priest
Parish Safeguarding: The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding
Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Laura Srodon. She can be contacted at:
sg.stelizabeth.covty@rcaob.org.uk or Diocesan Safeguarding team on 0121 230 6240/
safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk if you have any concern.